Tuesday, 9 December 2014
Rocket Presentation
This is a presentation that Pahn Nwee, Samantha and I have made about our time making rockets at tamaki college. We had alot of fun making rockets with Mr Dunn and we hope we can again.
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
This is a game the year 7 have played at Tech. There are a variety of games to play but I have chosen to play angry birds. In this game we have to try and make the angry bird attack the Bad piggy. You would also have to try and drag the write words underneath it and make it match. Then when you have done that, you would have to press run and then it would move by itself.
3D Shapes
This is a presentation that Samantha, Jazmine, Oh S'Mar, Dontalian and I have made. We had to try and make a shape using toothpicks and wine gums. First we had to try and make a triangle using the following equipment then we had to do a super challenge by making a 3D shape that would of had to had 12 sides to it. It was fun because when we finished making our shapes with the wine gums, Mrs Anderson said we could eat them but only in class and at morning T time. In our group we worked Collabrotively to try and make different kind of shapes. We hope you enjoy our presentation.
Friday, 28 November 2014
Time Comparison
This is comparison that Asmah and I created about the differences between the times of the Pilgrims and the modern day life of today.
This is a presentation that Asmah and I have made about Thanks Giving. We had to write what we can see in the picture. The Pilgrims and the Native Americans.
Thursday, 27 November 2014
Do you think it would have been comfortable clothing to wear the Pilgrim outfit? List the reasons to support your statement.
- No, because the girls uniform would of been really tight on them and the boys don't really wear things like that.
- Because the boys wouldn't of been able to run in a dress
- Because the dress might of been to long and you might have to lift it up from the ground to wear it.
This is a Comparison that Asmah and I have mad about what the Pilgrim people wore and what we wear now. I think the clothes we wear now is much better than the outfits back in the days because out outfit it much neater and boys wear a different kind of uniform.
Thanks Giving
This is a padlet that Asmah and I have made about Thanks Giving day. We worked callobrotivly to make this padlet. The information used in this is all about Thanks Giving day because it is a special day in America.
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Armistice Day Poster
This is an Armistday Information poster that Samanatha, Jazmine, Tim and I have made. Armistice day is another word for Anzac day. We celebrate Armistice Day to remember all those people who fought for our country and put there lives at risk for us.
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Room 8's Comment
This is a comment that I have made to room 8's blog. When we watched there movie at the maniakalani film festival, There movie was really cool and when I watched this movie, I couldn't believe that all of these things happened in peoples lives
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Comparison Between 2 rooms
This is a Ven Diagram that I have made between two bedrooms. The first bubble is all the things I have in my room and the other bubble is all the things there is in the other room. This is a picture off the bedroom that I have choosen. I think that we are really greedy because the children around the world have nothing and some children sleep on the street.
Monday, 3 November 2014
8 Phases Of The Moon
This is a presentation that Tui, Samantha, Shantay and I have made about the 8 phases of the moon. We went to room 7 and presented our presentation and the feedback we got was outstanding because we had some comments that were very thoughtful and it was good comments about our learning. The feedback from Mrs Miller was good because she told about how well we were speaking to her nd how confident we were speaking and presenting it to her classroom.
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Maths Strategy
This is a Maths Strategy that I have made. The eqation was 1229 x 4. The Answer to this question is 4916. I have used an easy way to try and break it down. We learnt this from Mr Strange, he taught us lots of different questions to solve and the way he broke it down made it much easier to understand.
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Day and Night Explanation
Why can’t we see the stars during day time?
This is an explanation that Samantha, Jazmine and I have wrote about where the stars go during day and night. This tells you interesting facts about the stars.
Where you ever satisfied Where the stars disappear during the daytime? Has this question ever made you think? The reason why we can’t see the stars during the daytime is because the sun gives out a bright blue light into the atmosphere giving us no appearance of the stars.
During the daytime the stars are still there it is just because when the part of the earth faces the sun, giving us daytime, the sun’s rays scatter across the atmosphere causing the sky to be blue, and the stars to be invisible to the human eye.
How do you think the star is formed? First of all, the star is formed when the cloud collapses and hot core forms by gathering dust and gas but not all of the material ends up as a star, the remaining dust can become asteroids, or comets or may remain as dust but in some cases the sun may not collapse at a steady pace.
Have you ever wondered how bright a star can shine? A star can shine up to 32.6 light years. A light year is a measurement of distance. It is the distance that light can travel in one year. The light can travel up to 300,000 kilometers each second.
Have you ever wondered where the stars go during the daytime? Stars don’t go anywhere during the daytime, it stays in the same spot. It is too hard for the human eye to see the stars during the daytime because the sun is too bright and the stars don’t shine as bright as the sun, but the stars surely shine as bright as a light at night time.
My Special Friend
My Special Friend
Were you ever told what a special friend is? A special friend is someone who is unique and always has your back. My special friend always sticks up for me and always tries to comfort me as much as she can. The best thing I like about her is that she respects me for who I am.
she always has my back and always tries to cheer me up. She has emotional feelings and understands everything I go through. She is one of a kind and I respect everything she does for me. We both have different personalities, Her personality is working in school books and mine is more into sports. Even though we like different things, doesn’t mean we can’t be friends.
My special friend is Asmah, she’s my special friend because she’s kind and she helps me whenever I’m stuck in something. She helps me to understand things further if I don’t really understand them and We have always have each others back. We always work with each other if we have the chance and when we do, our work turns into something magical.
My special friend is Important to me because she always makes me happy and I always feel glad that I have found a friend like Asmah. She makes me feel proud in all the work I do and we always treat each other the way we want to be treated. She makes me feel loyal because I know I can trust her and I know that I can rely on her to help me make my work move to the next level.
Without Asmah in my life, I would be nothing. Nothing because she turns me into something. She turns my school life all the way around to the start to make sure I am up to date. If I never knew Asmah, my life would be much harder than it already is. I am so glad I found someone as special as her. Because of Asmah, she made me the person I am today.
This is an explanation that I have wrote about my special friend Asmah. She is my special friend because she respects the things I do and we both treat each other the way we want to be treated. Asmah was also my critical friend and helped me to make my work move to the next level.
8 Phases Of The Moon
This is a Presntation that Samantha, Tui and I have made about the 8 phases of the moon. It shows what each phase means and it also shows a picture of what it looks like.
Friday, 24 October 2014
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
First Up Poster
This is a creating task that I had to do on the book First Up. These tasks help me to move my reading to the next level and makes sure that I'm set up for Succes.
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Kapri, Asmah, Samantha & Dontailan - Collabrotive Paragraph
Asmah, Kapri, Samantha & Dontailan
The sun is the center of our Solar System. We live on the third planet away from the sun called Earth. Over time as the universe has been going through phases of change, scientists have sent astronauts on space rockets for the idea of space exploration expedition. Research shows, that we have eight planets in our galaxy and more than a billion stars. It takes twelve hours for the Earth to orbit the sun on its axis, giving us daytime. Stars are luminous points in the night sky made of gas called hydrogen and helium which expand when gravitational energy compresses them. Did you know that when we join stars together it forms a shape in the sky called constellations? Have you ever been told that during daytime the suns rays scatters across the atmosphere causing us to have a blue sky. As the Earth orbits the sun on its axis, the moon is the satellite of the Earth. As the astronaut is up in space they use technology such as space probes to gather information about the environment around them, so scientists can use the information to get a better understanding of our aging universe.
This is a Collaborative paragraph that out group made. Our teacher put 19 words on the board about our topic. We had to use all of the words and put them into 1 paragraph.
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Online Timed Challenge
This is my Times Table challenge I did. Before my time was 70 seconds and now I have improved in my time. This means have have focused more in my own learning
Monday, 13 October 2014
Holiday Reading - Food Glorious Food
- Title
- Type of Book
Cook Book
- Recipe
1 Onion
Penne pasta
1 clove of garlic
pasta sauce
Caned Tamatoes
1 tablespoon of cooking oil
Oven tray
2 Pots
1: Heat the pan up then and add 1 tablespoon of cooking oil, garlic and onion
2: Add the mince to the cooking oil, Garlic and onion then stir until mince is browned then add pasta sauce, canned tomatoes
3: Leave to simmer for 20 minutes then boil the penne pasta. Once boiled, drain it then add it to the mince.
4: Put the mixture in a oven tray then put cheese all over the top.
5: Place into the oven under grill at 180 degrees.
6: Once the cheese is melted then that's when you know your lasagna is ready.
7: Pull it out then leave to cool for 5 minutes then sprinkle parsley if you want to for a delicious topping.
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Sentence Punctuation
This is a presentation about Sentence Punctuation. Our teacher had to write a story and we had to put punctuations in the correct place.
Contraction Match
This is a game I played called Contraction Match. It's a little bit like match up, But you have to match words together like would not and wouldn't. I think this helps me to put apostrophes in the right place.
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Beat The Clock Apostrophes
These are two screen shots I have taken on a game called beat the clock Apostrophes. I got all of the answers correct. I had to write I did not into I didn't. I think this helps put Apostrophes in the right place while I'm doing I'm writing.
Friday, 19 September 2014
Prezi About China
This is a Prezi that Jazmine and I have done about China. It tells you what food chinese people brought to New Zealand, Why they Migrated to New Zealand, What they celebrate, what they celebrate, Facts about China and the street food
Thursday, 18 September 2014
Apotrophe Challenge
This is a Apostrophe challenge that room 9 did. We had to put the Apostrophe in the correct place. I like this because it helps me to write properly in my writing.
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Blog Comments
This is a blog post that I have made to our class site.
This is a blog comment that I have made to Andre's Blog. I have done a comment on his Hexagon artwork because the colours are amazing and the way he drew it is amazing.
This is a blog comment that I have to Khorus. I have done a comment on her post about fractions.
Thursday, 28 August 2014
Culture Research
This is my Reshearch that I have done about What I think Culture is,Three sources that tell me what culture is and what I found out what Culture is now.
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
Kiwi Can Poster
This is my Kiwi can poster that I have made about Room 9's time in Kiwi Can. We have learnt alot of important things at Kiwi can and we have also learnt that Kiwi Can say's I Tell The Truth, How About You, Im Honest, Im True.
Museum Fotor
This is my Fotor hat I have made about our trip to the Auckland Museum. All of the year 7 and 8 students went to the Museum to learn about Migration. Migration means when people go to a place because they have to or because they want to leave a certain place.
Voyaging Waka Recount
The Voyaging Waka Journey
Have you ever wondered how overwhelming guiding 12 people is? As the captain of a voyaging waka I guarded 12 lives, making sure they were safe at all times. All passengers were prepared for this long journey and were all ready to head off to find new land. That week everyone was tired and frustrated . Storing and packing the food was difficult. Live animals were challenging to take aboard because of the fight they put up against the strong men. 1/3 of the Raven tribe had decided to travel in search of new land, because of the overgrowing population. We had to sacrifice our life to make and set a good example for their kids. We all missed them a lot but, they made a commitment to set sail for another environment for us. The fears we faced was starvation, and not knowing where we were. We all were looking forward to leading a better life. All of the responsibility realise on your shoulder.
It was amazing as we were leaving our Island because I thought it wouldn’t be hard to say goodbye, But sadly It was really hard to say goodbye to our family and friends, because they have been there for us since we stepped foot onto this land. As we got into the voyaging vaka we said goodbye to our families because we thought that we would never see them again. As we were leaving they were giving us a traditional farewell with traditional music and dancers. As we walked onto the waka our captain was leading us through the stars as we were travelling.
As strange as it may seem, us Maori people had to keep our food source with us so we wouldn’t starve to death. On the Voyaging waka we didn’t have fridges to keep our food source fresh so we used the water as our fridge’s. Sometimes live fish were kept in bamboo cages tied to the side of the boat. Sometimes fish were caught but at the same time sometimes they weren’t. We took Live dogs, pigs and poultry. We put fish and Shellfish on the roof of the waka to dry out the fish. We also took with us coconuts, They would be helpful for a variety of things like: Coconut milk For drinking, Coconut meat for food flavouring, Coconut fibre for making ropes and toilet paper and Coconut Shells (dried) for wood on the cooking fire. Green Coconuts were kept in cool storage or in the water because coconuts can go off fast in the heat. We also took fruit and vegetables with us. The fruit we took were: Breadfruit, Bananas and many other fruits. Fruits were sometimes sun dried on racks.The vegetables we took were: Taro, Yams, Sweet Potatoes (Kumara) and many other vegetables. The smell of the fresh food could make us all fall to the ground.
Do you know how hard it is to take care of 12 people because it is the same as taking care of yourself? Living on Voyaging Waka for about two to three weeks is hard. I had to take care of my siblings so that they are safe . It would be my responsibility to take care of them especially if my family was living on a Waka. My family and I were traveling to a far place on the Pacific Ocean. It was really extremely impressive that our family survived on this scary, long ride. Being a passenger on our Waka is pretty scary because going thru waves, seeing big storms heading our way.Thats why it’s important that I keep my family safe on a Voyaging Waka.
I knew that everyone was terrified because they thought that they weren't going to make it to their new home . As soon as they saw the land they were glad to know that they made it back to their new home, that they could call New Zealand. If we could make the Voyaging Waka different it would be a cage that would hold all of the animals. so they didn’t drown were coming back home.
We all felt relieved because we made it to our new homes. Everybody on the boat including me, was cheering and jumping on the boat. As we were heading to shore we were doing our traditional maori dance. I also felt horrible that had to leave my siblings but at the end of the day I had to find new land for us.
Have you ever wondered how overwhelming guiding 12 people is? As the captain of a voyaging waka I guarded 12 lives, making sure they were safe at all times. All passengers were prepared for this long journey and were all ready to head off to find new land. That week everyone was tired and frustrated . Storing and packing the food was difficult. Live animals were challenging to take aboard because of the fight they put up against the strong men. 1/3 of the Raven tribe had decided to travel in search of new land, because of the overgrowing population. We had to sacrifice our life to make and set a good example for their kids. We all missed them a lot but, they made a commitment to set sail for another environment for us. The fears we faced was starvation, and not knowing where we were. We all were looking forward to leading a better life. All of the responsibility realise on your shoulder.
It was amazing as we were leaving our Island because I thought it wouldn’t be hard to say goodbye, But sadly It was really hard to say goodbye to our family and friends, because they have been there for us since we stepped foot onto this land. As we got into the voyaging vaka we said goodbye to our families because we thought that we would never see them again. As we were leaving they were giving us a traditional farewell with traditional music and dancers. As we walked onto the waka our captain was leading us through the stars as we were travelling.
As strange as it may seem, us Maori people had to keep our food source with us so we wouldn’t starve to death. On the Voyaging waka we didn’t have fridges to keep our food source fresh so we used the water as our fridge’s. Sometimes live fish were kept in bamboo cages tied to the side of the boat. Sometimes fish were caught but at the same time sometimes they weren’t. We took Live dogs, pigs and poultry. We put fish and Shellfish on the roof of the waka to dry out the fish. We also took with us coconuts, They would be helpful for a variety of things like: Coconut milk For drinking, Coconut meat for food flavouring, Coconut fibre for making ropes and toilet paper and Coconut Shells (dried) for wood on the cooking fire. Green Coconuts were kept in cool storage or in the water because coconuts can go off fast in the heat. We also took fruit and vegetables with us. The fruit we took were: Breadfruit, Bananas and many other fruits. Fruits were sometimes sun dried on racks.The vegetables we took were: Taro, Yams, Sweet Potatoes (Kumara) and many other vegetables. The smell of the fresh food could make us all fall to the ground.
Do you know how hard it is to take care of 12 people because it is the same as taking care of yourself? Living on Voyaging Waka for about two to three weeks is hard. I had to take care of my siblings so that they are safe . It would be my responsibility to take care of them especially if my family was living on a Waka. My family and I were traveling to a far place on the Pacific Ocean. It was really extremely impressive that our family survived on this scary, long ride. Being a passenger on our Waka is pretty scary because going thru waves, seeing big storms heading our way.Thats why it’s important that I keep my family safe on a Voyaging Waka.
I knew that everyone was terrified because they thought that they weren't going to make it to their new home . As soon as they saw the land they were glad to know that they made it back to their new home, that they could call New Zealand. If we could make the Voyaging Waka different it would be a cage that would hold all of the animals. so they didn’t drown were coming back home.
We all felt relieved because we made it to our new homes. Everybody on the boat including me, was cheering and jumping on the boat. As we were heading to shore we were doing our traditional maori dance. I also felt horrible that had to leave my siblings but at the end of the day I had to find new land for us.
Monday, 18 August 2014
Space Jump Show
On behalf of Panmure Bridge School, we appreciate Tai And Naomi coming to our school to perform for us the Space Jump show. We really like the performance you performed to us about the alien coming to earth to search for facts about fiction books. The message behind your story was to use your imagination and to be creative. Also if you don't know how to read a certain book, try to look at the pictures or ask someone politely to read it to you. My favourite book you showed us was The Boring Book. I liked that book because it had scientific words in it and the pictures were really cool. Your show was funny and made us laugh, Also your guys voices were really good. Panmure Bridge School, we thank you guys for coming to our school to perform for us and we hope you guys come and visit again.
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Transum Fractions
This is a screenshot that I have done about fractions. I had to plus the top numbers of both fractions together. I got eight right and 4 wrong. Transum helps me with a verity of different maths and it also helps me to to succeed in my IKAN test.
Thursday, 7 August 2014
Homonyms Presentation
This is a presentation that I have done Collaboratively with Asmah. We both learnt that Homonyms are words that sound the same but are spelt differently and have different meanings. We also learnt what contraction words are. They are words that are shortened by a apostrophy
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Why Is Facebook A Problem?
Have you ever thought about why Facebook is a problem, It is becoming a problem because people are bullying other people online, so that could lead to cyber bullying.
As strange as it may seem, over 250 million people log into Facebook each day and waste nearly their whole life education on it. Children's school levels would drop and they would lose all of their concentration at school. They would also lose their focus in their school work because they are addicted to Facebook and then they would have anti-social behaviour. Also from Facebook your health is at risk like not getting enough sleep, stomach problems, nervous conditions and depression.
Have you ever heard about people pretending to be someone they're not, Another word for that is Identity theft. This is when someone writes their name as someone else and you think you know them and accept their friend request. Also It is really important that you only accept people you know and not anybody that you don’t know because it may lead to a big problem.
Did you know that when you chat to someone privately the first message you say to someone appears on your timeline (profile) and everyone your friends with would be able to see what you have said.
So if you go on Facebook every day and night you shouldn't because it could cause anti-social behaviour. When you go on Facebook you should also make sure that your going on the right sites and making the right choices.
Friday, 25 July 2014
Kapri's Map
This is a map about the Maniakalani principles visiting google. We needed to guess where they were by backing it up with evidents.
Thursday, 24 July 2014
Migration Pragraph
New Zealand is a multicultural society that has a diverse population. We are tolerant of the change that has been done because of migration and accept the differences of everyone around us. We all shows respect to each other’s ideas and beliefs. We adapt and include everyone’s cultures for the sole purpose of living in harmony.
This is a Migration paragraph that Asmah, Pah Nwee and I have made. We have done this because all of the highlighted words are part of Migration.
This is a Migration paragraph that Asmah, Pah Nwee and I have made. We have done this because all of the highlighted words are part of Migration.
Tuesday, 15 July 2014
Holiday Reading Challenge
- Title
The Curse Of The Cheese Pyramid
- Author
Geronimo Stilton
- Type of Book
- How you as the sidekick helped out the main character
I helped the Main Character by trying to stop Geronimo Stilton going on the plane because he might die and the air plane might crash because it looks old and rusty and it looks like someone had patched some tin over big holes. I would of tried to help him tell his Grandfather to not let him do the boring jobs like sweeping the floors and to tell his grandfather that he wants to do adventurous job like Interviewing people around the world.
Holiday Reading Challenge
Make A Recommendation
- Title
The curse Of The Cheese Pyramid
- Author
Geronimo Stilton
- Type of Book
- I would recommend this book to...
I would Recommend this book to Yvette because she likes reading Geronimo Stilton books, She likes Adventurous books and because in class she always reads Geronimo Stilton books in the school Library and When it is SSR time in the class.
Holiday Reading Challenge - New Cover
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
Matariki Information poster
This is my Matariki poster I have made about How is matariki celebrated and what is Matariki. We are doing this because we wanted to learn more about Matariki and what is different about it in other cultures.
Thursday, 26 June 2014
Matariki and Diwali Comparision
This is my lucidchart I have made about the Difference and the same thing between Matariki and Diwali. 1 fact I have learnt about Matariki is that Matariki means tiny eyes, 1 fact I have learnt about Diwali is that Diwali means Rows Of Lighted lamps and 1 fact that is the same is that there both times to spend with there friends and family.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014
Flipsnack - Pollination
This is my Flipsnack I have made about Pollination. We had to answer three questions. The question were: Why are bee numbers declining this means why are bees dying, What effect will this have on our food production this means what will happen to our food and what can we do about it which means how can we fix it.
Monday, 23 June 2014
Good Reads
This is my Good Reads I have done about a book called The Last Thirteen. I have done it about this book because by looking at the cover of the book it looked like it was going to be an awesome book, but then when I read the blurb of the book It sounded like it was going to be an Adventure and a little bit of a horror book. One of the lines said "When I click my fingers everybody dies". That hooked me in and made me feel interested in reading that book.
Xtra Maths
This is my Xtra Maths score for today. I think my score today is alright but I think next time I could do way better. I only got 2 wrong. My goal for nxt time is to type the answer faster and to know it like its already in my head. I also want to try and get none wrong and get them all right.
Friday, 6 June 2014
- What is pollination? Explain in 25 words what pollination is
Pollination is the process by which pollen is transferred from the anther male part to the stigma female part of the Plant, thereby enabling reproduction.
The transfer of pollen from the anthers of a flower to the stigma of the same flower or of a different flower.
- Explain in 25 words the role bees have in plant reproduction?
Reproduction is caused when bees transfer the pollen of the male anther to the female stigma.
- Explain in 25 words how plant reproduction processes produce much of our food?
If the plant reproduction process didn’t exist then we wouldn’t have such food as bread produced by wheat which needs the plant reproduction process to grow.
Tuesday, 3 June 2014
Dahl Groups S Chart
This is a S chart that our group Dahl has made. It is about the Conch Shell. It explains how to make a Conch Shell in time order. We worked collaborative to work out the steps in time order.
Friday, 30 May 2014
Blog Comment To Isabella
This is a blog comment that I have made on Isabella's blog. I have done this because when I was looking at her graph it looked really intresting.
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
Samoan Pattern
This is my Samoan Pattern that I have drawed. We have done this because It is Samoan Language Week and our week is all about Saoan Language Week.
Friday, 23 May 2014
Xtra Maths
This is my Xtra Maths Score for this week. I think my Score is alright but I think next time I could do better.
Monday, 12 May 2014
Maths Problem Solving
Today we made a group presentation. We had to share our thinking with each other to show how we solved it in maths numbers and in words. Our group name is Combination Nation and we work collaboratively.
Friday, 9 May 2014
Room 7s Comment
This is a comment that I have made on Room 7s blog. I have made a comment on their blog because I have heard people say that there presentation is amazing.
Xtra Maths
This is my new high score in my xtra maths this week. In my opinion I think my xtra maths is getting better and better every week I do this.
Thursday, 8 May 2014
The 3 Little Pigs
The 3 Pigs
Kapri - Pigs moved out and built their own houses. Wolf was starving and extinguished two houses. The wolf was killed because the third pig was intelligent.
Kyra - The pigs moved out. They built three houses. The wolf was hungry and blew two houses down. The wolf died.
Because the third pig was clever.
True Story Of 3 Pigs
Kyra - The wolf needed sugar. He went to the two houses
sneezed, ate two pigs
third pig teased
he caused a racket. sent to jail.
Kapri - Wolf needed some sugar so he went to the first two houses. He sneezed and gobbled up the two pigs. The third pig teased him.
This morning I learnt how to summarise a story using twenty five words. My partner was Kyra and we worked collaborative to make a short and simple version of the three little pigs. One of the stories told us that the big bad wolf was a bad guy and the other story told us that he is a nice guy. But that is the wolves point of view of the story.
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