
Monday 11 February 2013

My Bio Poem

Is friendly, sporty, kind and helpful
Daughter of Raewyn and Kelvin
Lover of chocolate, ice cream and milk shakes
Who feels happy when she eats chocolate and angry when someone hits me.
Who is proud of going on the Fear Fall and going to the top of the mountain.
Who admires her parents and her teacher
Who fears spiders, snakes and the dark
Who would like to meet Nicki Minaj, Titanium and Beyonce
Who lives in New Zealand


  1. Kia ora Kapri.....

    I enjoyed reading your bio poem. IT was interesting and very funny. The sentence I enjoyed reading was who feels happy when she eats chocolate. I like that sentence because I know how you felt when you eat chocolate. I've been there before.
    Keep up the great work and I cant wait to read more of your writing.

  2. Hi Kapri

    I really liked how you described yourself in this poem and how you had said what you like and stuff you don't like.

    By Kyra

  3. Kia ora Kapri

    I like how you described yourself really well. I also liked how you want to meet all kinds of these super stars. Keep up the good work Kapri.

    From: Samantha

  4. Kia ora katou,

    I like reading your bio poem, I like your smile, I like most of your bio poem because I like these famous people, and chocolate.
    Good job keep it up


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