WHEN: It happened on Sunday May 26, 2013
WHO: The people who were involved were the lifeguards, Kris O’Neill (A senior lifeguard) and SLSNR
WHERE: Whangarei to Ranglan
WHAT: The surf life saving are wanting to cut the jobs from the life savers because the costs were low and they said there will be no life savers on the beach, But Kris O’Neill, an awesome lifesaver doesn't want to. He is a outrage for what he has heard.
WHY or HOW it happened: It happened because the cost was low
What do you think the author wanted you to learn from this article? The author wanted me to learn that we should be on the lifesavers side
List 2 new words you have found in this article, then write their meanings.
restructuring - is the corporate management term for the act of reorganizing the legal
concerned - Means anxious or troubled.
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